Monday, March 4, 2019

Oct 2018 - March 3, 2019

Here are our latest activities!  Enjoy!

Stephen's 15th birthday.  He just gets piles and piles of baseball cards from us!  And he typically chooses a fruit tart over a cake these days.

Halloween shopping


Chris and his buddies on their way to Pirates of Emmerson - a haunted theme park

Halloween Day
I finally found a costume that I like!

Chris and his friends

Chris' haul.... might be the last year I have a trick-or-treater.  He's gotten quite good at it!

Poor SV had a late basketball practice on Halloween and a math test the next day, so while this looks like Stephen dressed up as a businessman, it's actually him at 6:45am before school the day after halloween.

Stephen on the court #40

A day in San Francisco

My kitties Bear (black) and Boots (gray/white).  Boots looks deceptively thin in this picture!

Stephen at a Boys Team Charity team meeting.  The thing that I find remarkable about this is 1) this mom's kitchen and 2) her willingness to allow twelve 15-year old boys in her kitchen 3) the fact that she is teaching them to cook steak and twice baked potatoes.  

Stephen's first homecoming dance.  He went with a group of guys and one very brave young lady!

A visit to the Oakland Zoo

We're getting some serious weather here in CA this year.  2.5  hour drive to Arnold, CA and it is a winter wonderland.

Steve and Stephen walking down the main road (Highway 4!)  to breakfast.  Chris and I were bringing up the rear!

Sometimes you can get some good pictures out the car window!  I took this from the bay bridge on the way to UCSF to watch a basketball game.  

High School basketball season is over already.   Here is Stephen receiving the Scholar Athlete award.  But don't worry.  Practice for his spring AAU team starts today (3/4/19).  He had almost 2 weeks off, he's ready for more!